Reye Partners Asset Management, LLC effectively becomes an outsourced Chief Investment Officer (CIO) for our clients, both the individual and the family. It begins with our client-focused process and is continuously refined with ongoing monitoring and oversight.

Our client-focused process entails the following:

  1. Assessment of goals, preferences, and constraints

  2. Analysis of overall asset/liability situation

  3. Projection of cash flow and liquidity needs

  4. Discussion of return expectations and risk/volatility tolerances

  5. Formulation of realistic investment objectives

  6. Evaluation of tax considerations (reviewed with estate planning/tax advisors)

  7. Enhanced communication and timely reporting

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Our goal is to develop a comprehensive understanding of your investment objectives and requirements.

We collaborate with you closely to incorporate your specific goals and guidelines into a detailed investment policy statement that includes appropriate asset allocation constraints to ensure sound decision-making.

Reye Partners Asset Management, LLC serves as your outsourced Chief Investment Officer, taking discretion over investment decisions.

We effectively free you from the day-to-day and technical aspects of managing your investments.

Monitoring and Oversight


The investment process does not end with fund selection. We continue to monitor and provide oversight by:

  • Conducting continuous due diligence

  • Confirming the original risk/return parameters

  • Monitoring individual and composite risk exposures through necessary transparency

  • Evaluating the portfolio structure and allocations relative to the evolving and changing markets

  • Incorporating regular client involvement and communication

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We imagined a firm that would replicate the working relationship between a chief investment officer and a family office. A dedicated team with the technical expertise to protect what the family has worked a lifetime to accumulate.